Let your expat-voice be heard!

On November 21st there is a municipal election in Denmark, and you can vote!

Let your expat-voice be heard!

On November 16, there is a municipal election in Denmark, and you can vote!

Are you an EU-citizen, Norwegian or Icelandic OR have you lived in Denmark for 4 years or more?

If so, then all you need is a social security number and an address in Denmark and you can vote at the municipal election on November 16. You will receive your ballot by snail mail and can cast your vote at your assigned polling station. 

If you’re out town on the November 16 you can go to the city services office and ask to cast your vote now – you can do this until November 12 at 4PM, otherwise you will have to vote normally on November 16.

Expats are important and valuable members of Danish society, and as an expat it is therefore important that you let your voice be heard in the Danish democracy.

I am running for office at the municipal council in the City of Frederiksberg, so if you are a resident in Frederiksberg – go vote for me!

I will personally be working for:

  • More international programmes in our schools and kindergartens on Frederiksberg
  • Same statutory working rights for expats as for Danes
  • More services in English from the municipality
  • A greener and more sustainable Frederiksberg – CO2 neutrality in 2030 or before.
  • More green areas to prevent flooding, for a greater biomass and for the beauty of Frederiksberg 
  • Greater expenditure on culture for all citizens – particularly in schools: more school trips in schools, more events/concerts for our elderly citizens in daycare centers or receivers of day care.
  • Mandatory music classes from 2nd grade and up
  • More (and better) internships and student jobs. A collaboration between businesses and our educational institutions in Frederiksberg

As a resident of Frederiksberg, vote in the municipal election for the city council. 

Let your voice be heard and remember to cast your vote for Carina Høedt at the municipal election on  November 16!

For further information on voting as an expat look here.